Padova - Italy
The “UGO- Unite Gareggiamo Ovunque” (United we Go Over) – is
a breast cancer survivors team who engage in Dragon Boat activity,
member of the Cultural, Recreational and Sport Association of
employee of the University of Padova.
The Padova Team came to be in June 2015, through a pilot project
carried out by the Breast Unit of the “Istituto Oncologico Veneto –
IOV” (Veneto Cancer Institute IOV) in collaboration with the “Canottieri
Padova” and “ARCS” Dragon Boat section.
They train twice a week guided by Mr. Michele Galantucci, top
sportsman and National Dragon Boat champion.
In 2016, the”U.G.O.” team began to race, and in 2017, at
the second edition of the “Trofeo Dragon Porteo” in Padova
ranked number one of the “pink ladies” category; and again in
June 2017 won the third place at the Vienna Dragonboat Cup.