Hi everyone!
We are ROSAS DEL PLATA, based in Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina and we
usually train at Club Náutico HACOAJ. We are members of the IBCPC (International
Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission) since 2016.
Our story started in July 2015: the project to start the team ‘Rosas del Plata’ is
launched by our captain and founder, Dr. Matilde Yahni. She had contacted Adriana
Bartoli, an Argentine member of the team “Abreast Divas” in Vancouver, Canada,
who wanted to set up a team in South America. Matilde started contacting friends
and relations until she finally managed to give shape to the Buenos Aires team.
Although we don’t have a dragon boat of our own, we try to practice once a
month, only in spring and summer, in a place in Delta where we can rent a dragon
boat for a couple of hours. Someday we hope we will have our own dragon boat.
We are thrilled to participate in the international festival in Firenze, Italy
next year. It’ll be very exciting for all of us to share the experience with teams
from all over the world.
PADDLES UP!!! Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina